$.myalert({ content : "测试alert", confirm_btn_click : function(e) { // 确认按钮点击事件 $.myalert("getDialog").mydialog("hide"); } });
.my-confirm-box { background-color: #E2E2E2; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); /*-moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; */ position: absolute; z-index: 5000; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-divider { height: 1px; background-color: #e5e5e5; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; z-index: 40001; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-title { width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 1.0rem; font-size: 1.0em9; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; color: #1eb3d6; /* margin: 1.5rem 0 1rem; margin: 1.5em 0 1em9; */ border-bottom: 1px solid #1fb3d2; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-content { text-align: center; font-size: 1rem; font-size: 1em9; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; margin-bottom: 3rem; margin-bottom: 3em9; /*margin: 0 2.5rem 3.5rem; margin: 0 2.5em9 4.5em9; */ } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap { } .my-confirm-box button { background: transparent; border: none; height: 3rem; height: 3em9; font-size: 1rem; font-size: 1em9; width: 50%; position: absolute; bottom: 0; display: block; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #B4B4B4; cursor: pointer; color: #565656; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button.my-confirm-btn-right { right: 0; border-radius: 0 0 10px 0; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button.my-confirm-btn-left { left: 0; border-right: 1px solid #B4B4B4; border-radius: 0 0 0 10px; } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button:focus, .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button:hover { /* font-weight: bold; background: #EFEFEF; */ } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button:active { /* background: #D6D6D6; */ } .my-confirm-box .my-confirm-button-wrap button.my-confirm-btn-full-width { width: 100%; border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px; } .my-loading-box { background-color: #E2E2E2; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); -moz-border-radius: 10px; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); color: #000; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; position: absolute; z-index: 5000; text-align: center; min-width: 10em; padding: 15px; } .my-loading-box .my-loading-img { background-image: url('loading.gif'); height: 31px; width: 31px; margin: 0 auto; } .my-loading-box .my-loading-title { font-size: 1rem; font-size: 1rem9; padding-top: 5px; }
(function($) { var my_dialog_plug_name = "mydialog", my_confirm_plug_name = "myconfirm"; var my_alert_plug_name = "myalert", my_loading_plug_name = "myloading"; var my_confirm_box, my_loading_box; function MyJqDialog(element, options) { this.init(element, options); } MyJqDialog.prototype.init = function(element, options) { var defaults = { autoShow : false, "zIndex" : 4000 }; this.element = element; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); var overlay_css = { "width" : "100%", "height" : "100%", "filter" : "alpha(opacity=40)", "-moz-opacity" : "0.4", "-khtml-opacity" : "0.4", "opacity" : "0.4", "background" : "#000", "position" : "absolute", "top" : "0", "left" : "0", "z-index" : "3000", "display" : "none" }; this.overlay = $("<div/>").css(overlay_css).appendTo($("body")); this.element.css({ "z-index" : this.settings.zIndex, position : "absolute" }); var _this = this; $(window).resize(function() { // only do it if the dialog box is not hidden if (!$('#dialog-box').is(':hidden')) _this.resizeBox(); }); $(window).scroll(function() { _this.resizeBox(); }); if (this.settings.autoShow) { this.show(); } }; MyJqDialog.prototype.show = function() { // transition effect this.overlay.fadeIn(200); this.overlay.fadeTo("slow", 0.8); // transition effect this.element.fadeIn(500); this.resizeBox(); }; MyJqDialog.prototype.hide = function() { this.element.hide(); this.overlay.hide(); }; MyJqDialog.prototype.resizeBox = function() { var box = this.element; // Get the screen height and width var maskHeight = $(document).height(); var maskWidth = $(document).width(); // Set height and width to mask to fill up the whole screen $(this.overlay).css({ 'width' : maskWidth, 'height' : maskHeight }); // Get the window height and width var winH = $(window).height(); var winW = $(window).width(); var scrollT = $(window).scrollTop(); var scrollL = $(window).scrollLeft(); // Set the popup window to center box.css('top', winH / 2 - box.height() / 2 + scrollT); box.css('left', winW / 2 - box.width() / 2 + scrollL); }; $.fn[my_dialog_plug_name] = function(options) { var elt; if (options instanceof Object || !this.data("plugin_" + my_dialog_plug_name)) { elt = new MyJqDialog(this, options); this.data('plugin_' + my_dialog_plug_name, elt); } else { elt = this.data("plugin_" + my_dialog_plug_name); } if (typeof (options) == "string" && options.length > 0) { eval("elt." + options + "(this)"); } return this; }; function MyJqMyConfirm(options) { this.init(options); } MyJqMyConfirm.prototype = { init : function(options) { var _this = this; this.element = options.confirm_box; var width = $(document).width(); width = width * 0.8; var defaults = { width : width + "px", cancelButton : true, confirmButton : true, title : " 提示", cancel_btn_title : "取消", confirm_btn_title : "确认", cancel_btn_click : function(e) { _this.element[my_dialog_plug_name]("hide"); }, confirm_btn_click : function(e) { _this.element[my_dialog_plug_name]("hide"); } }; if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this.confirm_box_css = { width : this.settings.width }; this.element.css(this.confirm_box_css); this.element.find(".my-confirm-title").html(this.settings.title); this.content = this.element.find(".my-confirm-content").html(this.settings.content); this.element.find(".my-confirm-button-wrap").html(""); if (this.settings.cancelButton && this.settings.confirmButton) { var cancel = $("<button class='my-confirm-btn-left' id='my-confirm-btn-cancel'>" + this.settings.cancel_btn_title + "</button>"); var confirm = $("<button class='my-confirm-btn-right' id='my-confirm-btn-confirm'>" + this.settings.confirm_btn_title + "</button>"); cancel.click(function(e) { _this.settings.cancel_btn_click(e); }); confirm.click(function(e) { _this.settings.confirm_btn_click(e); }); cancel.appendTo(this.element.find(".my-confirm-button-wrap")); confirm.appendTo(this.element.find(".my-confirm-button-wrap")); } else if (this.settings.confirmButton) { var confirm = $("<button id='my-confirm-btn-confirm' class='my-confirm-btn-full-width'>" + this.settings.confirm_btn_title + "</button>"); confirm.click(function() { _this.settings.confirm_btn_click(this); }); confirm.appendTo(this.element.find(".my-confirm-button-wrap")); } else if (this.settings.cancelButton) { var cancel = $("<button id='my-confirm-btn-cancel' class='my-confirm-btn-full-width'>" + this.settings.cancel_btn_title + "</button>"); cancel.click(function() { _this.settings.cancel_btn_click(this); }); cancel.appendTo(this.element.find(".my-confirm-button-wrap")); } this.element[my_dialog_plug_name]("show"); } }; $[my_confirm_plug_name] = function(options) { if (my_confirm_box == null) { my_confirm_box = $("<div class='my-confirm-box'><h1 class='my-confirm-title'></h1><div class='my-confirm-content'></div><div class='my-confirm-button-wrap'></div></div>"); $("body").append(my_confirm_box); } if (typeof (options) == "string" && options == "getDialog") { return my_confirm_box; } if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } options.confirm_box = my_confirm_box; new MyJqMyConfirm(options); }; $[my_alert_plug_name] = function(options) { if (my_confirm_box == null) { my_confirm_box = $("<div class='my-confirm-box'><div class='my-confirm-title'></div><div class='my-confirm-content'></div><div class='my-confirm-button-wrap'></div></div>"); $("body").append(my_confirm_box); } if (typeof (options) == "string" && options == "getDialog") { return my_confirm_box; } if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } options.confirm_box = my_confirm_box; options.cancelButton = false; options.confirmButton = true; new MyJqMyConfirm(options); }; function MyJqMyLoad(options) { this.init(options); } MyJqMyLoad.prototype = { init : function(options) { var _this = this; this.element = options.loading_box; var width = $(document).width(); width = width * 0.5; var defaults = { width : width + "px", title : "正在处理,请稍后..." }; if (typeof options === 'undefined') options = {}; this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this.confirm_box_css = { width : this.settings.width }; this.element.css(this.confirm_box_css); this.element.find(".my-loading-title").html(this.settings.title); this.element[my_dialog_plug_name]("show"); } }; $[my_loading_plug_name] = function(options) { if (my_loading_box == null) { my_loading_box = $("<div class='my-loading-box'><div class='my-loading-img'></div><div class='my-loading-title'></div></div>"); $("body").append(my_loading_box); } if (typeof (options) == "string" && options == "getDialog") { return my_loading_box; } if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } options.loading_box = my_loading_box; new MyJqMyLoad(options); }; }(jQuery));